scriptharness package

Module contents

Scriptharness is a python scripting harness or framework.

Scriptharness’ core principles are:
  • Full logging.
  • Flexible configuration.
  • Modular actions.
The top-level module has two main purposes:
  1. to serve shortcuts for simple scripts. A single import, and a few function calls should serve for simple workflows.
  2. the ScriptManager can keep track of all Script objects if and when a script requires multiple Script objects.
scriptharness.get_script(*args, **kwargs)

This will retrieve an existing script or create one and return it.

  • actions (tuple of Actions) – When creating a new Script, this is required. When retrieving an existing script, this is ignored/optional.
  • parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – When creating a new Script, this is required. When retrieving an existing script, this is ignored/optional.
  • name (Optional[str]) – The name of the script to retrieve/create. Defaults to “root”. This is a keyword argument, so use name=NAME
  • **kwargs – kwargs to pass to MANAGER.get_script(); these will be passed to Script.__init__() when creating a new Script. When retrieving an existing script, this is ignored/optional.

The Script instance.


This will return the config from an existing script.

Parameters:name (Optional[str]) – The name of the script to get the config from. Defaults to “root”.
Raises:scriptharness.exceptions.ScriptHarnessException – if there is no script of name name.
Returns:config – By default scriptharness.structures.LoggingDict
Return type:dict

Build a tuple of Action objects for the script.

Parameters:all_actions (data structure) – ordered mapping of action_name:enabled bool, as accepted by iterate_pairs()
Returns:tuple of Action objects
scriptharness.get_actions_from_list(all_actions, default_actions=None)

Helper method to generate the ordered mapping for get_actions().

  • all_actions (list) – ordered list of all action names
  • default_actions (Optional[list]) – actions that are enabled by default

tuple of Action objects


This will return the logger from an existing script.

This function isn’t strictly needed, since the logging module keeps track of loggers for you. However, if/when scriptharness supports multiple parallel Script objects, and if/when scriptharness supports structured logging outside of the python logging module, this function will become more important.

Parameters:name (Optional[str]) – The name of the script to get the logger from. Defaults to “root”.
Raises:scriptharness.exceptions.ScriptHarnessException – if there is no script of name name.
Returns:logger (logging.Logger)
scriptharness.get_config_template(template=None, all_actions=None, definition=None)

Create a script ConfigTemplate.

If template is not defined, it will take the definition (defaults to DEFAULT_CONFIG_DEFINITION) and create a new ConfigTemplate. Otherwise it uses template.

If all_actions is defined, it will add an action ConfigTemplate to the template.

  • template (Optional[ConfigTemplate]) – the ConfigTemplate to optionally append the action_template to. Defaults to None.
  • all_actions (Optional[list]) – list of actions to generate an action ConfigTemplate. Defaults to None.
  • definition (Optional[dict]) – config definition to prepopulate the ConfigTemplate with. Defaults to DEFAULT_CONFIG_DEFINITION.


scriptharness.prepare_simple_logging(path, mode=u'w', logger_name=u'', level=20, formatter=None)

Create a unicode-friendly logger.

By default it’ll create the root logger with a console handler; if passed a path it’ll also create a file handler. Both handlers will have a unicode-friendly formatter.

This function is intended to be called a single time. If called a second time, beware creating multiple console handlers or multiple file handlers writing to the same file.

  • path (Optional[str]) – path to the file log. If this isn’t set, don’t create a file handler. Default ‘’
  • mode (Optional[char]) – the mode to open the file log. Default ‘w’
  • logger_name (Optional[str]) – the name of the logger to use. Default ‘’
  • level (Optional[int]) – the level to log. Default DEFAULT_LEVEL
  • formatter (Optional[Formatter]) – a logging Formatter to use; to handle unicode, subclass UnicodeFormatter.

logger (Logger object). This is also easily retrievable via logging.getLogger(logger_name).

By default new actions use the scriptharness.actions.Action class.
Override here.
Parameters:action_class (class) – use this class for new actions.

By default new scripts use the scriptharness.script.Script class. Override here.

Parameters:script_class (class) – use this class for new scripts.